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Codes and policies

Our Codes and Policies shape our organization as a whole and ensure that we are always staying true to our values. They make up who we are and ultimately make sure that we are being the best that we can be. All of the work that we carry out is guided by a series of codes and policies which are strictly adhered to at all times.


OMP Supplier Code of Conduct

As a socially responsible company, OMP shows its commitment to society and the environment, and we expect this from our Suppliers (suppliers, alliance partners, contractors, and other business partners) too. Our Suppliers are important actors, that allow us to serve our stakeholders and ensure that our entire value chain contributes to that vision of sustainable development.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct stipulates the minimum standards to which OMP and its affiliates are committed and which OMP requests its Suppliers to respect and follow.

OMP Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

In this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, we outline the responsibilities all OMPeople have to each other, our customers, partners, suppliers, and the public in general. It shows how our values inspire our greatest aspirations and shape our actions and behavior. It defines what it means to work at OMP, as well as our individual and collective responsibilities.

OMP Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy

At OMP, we are committed to very high standards of personal and professional behavior throughout our company in everything we do. This is not just a matter of corporate responsibility, but a reflection of our dedication to making the world a better place. Central to our culture, our people, and our product & service offerings is a determination to enhance our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance.

However, this current version of our ESG policy is, by design, a work in progress. Within this policy, we will articulate the numerous policies and processes that we have already established, serving as testament to our existing commitment. We recognize that our journey is ongoing: this document highlights the actions we've undertaken thus far and sets the blueprint for our next steps.

OMP Whistleblower Policy

At OMP, we are committed to high standards of personal and professional behavior throughout our company and in everything we do. This is crucial to our continued success and reputation as one of the leading solution providers in the supply chain planning industry. Hereto OMP encourages everyone to carry out their professional responsibility to speak up and report, in good faith, illegal behavior by or within OMP’s organization and/or business activities.

OMP’s Whistleblower Policy is an important element in detecting corrupt or illegal conduct. OMP strongly encourages everyone to speak up if they suspect or witness any matters of concern.

If you discover, become aware of, or reasonably suspect reportable conduct as described in our Whistleblower Policy, you can directly notify your OMP contact person.

In case you feel uncomfortable or reluctant to notify your OMP contact person, you can report confidentially to the following email address: Whistleblowing@omp.com. You can also use our dedicated OMP-form, which provides the possibility to report anonymously. Please consider that reporting anonymously implies that we will not be able to provide feedback regarding your concern.