As part of our User Engagement Services, we offer both standardized and customized trainings. Explore our standardized courses below or contact us to discuss customized courses.
Or access here the e-learnings that you are subscribed to.
Operational planning and scheduling - Navigation
An online self-study course that explains how to access the OMP Solution. It familiarizes the participant with the basic components of the screen layout and OMP terminology while focusing on operational planning and scheduling functionalities.
Demand management - Navigation
An online self-study course that explains how to access the OMP Solution. It familiarizes the participant with the basic components of the screen layout and OMP terminology while focusing on demand management functionalities.
Navigation in OMP - Getting started
An online self-study course to explain the basics on how to navigate in the OMP Solution.
User management basics
This e-learning explains the basic concepts of user management and shows how to carry out basic user management actions.
Sales and operations planning - Navigation
An online self-study course that explains how to access the OMP Solution. It familiarizes the participant with the basic components of the screen layout and OMP terminology while focusing on sales & operations planning functionalities.
Planning views - Usage
This e-learning contains the most relevant topics related to planning views.
Demand management - Cycle
An interactive classroom course which explains the usage of the OMP Solution for demand management.
OMP for Metals - Sales and operations planning
An interactive classroom course which explains the usage of the Sales & Operations Planning in the OMP Metals Solution (including basic modeling).
The aim for the trainees is to get comfortable with all the steps of the planning cycle without analyzing in depth.
OMP for Metals - Planning and scheduling
An interactive classroom course which explains the usage of the Supply Planning (Order Planning and Scheduling) in the OMP Metals Solution. Participants will learn to understand the basic concepts behind OMP for Metals and will get introduced in a day in the life of a planner, going over volume planning, order planning, and scheduling. This is an introduction course : advanced topics, including modeling, steelmaking, material allocation are taught separately at a later stage.
OMP Multi-user - Maintenance
This e-learning shows how to maintain a multi-user setup.
Sales and operations planning - Cycle
An interactive classroom course which explains the usage of the OMP Solution for sales & operations planning.
OMP for Metals - Demand management
An interactive classroom course that serves as a first encounter with the OMP for Metals - demand management solution. It helps participants get comfortable with the basics of all the steps in the demand planning cycle without analyzing in depth.
Reporting - Pivots and charts
The e-learning explains what a pivot is and what to use it for. You will learn how to configure a pivot via the different pivot configuration steps.
Sales and operations planning - Cycle
An interactive classroom course which explains the usage of the OMP Solution for sales & operations planning.
Operational planning and scheduling - Cycle - program
A self-paced course supported by interactive Q&A sessions which explains the usage of the OMP Solution for operational planning and scheduling.
Demand management - Cycle
An interactive classroom course which explains the usage of the OMP Solution for demand management.
OPAL - General
An interactive classroom course which gives some insight into the basic concepts of OPAL programming.
Prerequisites: Participants should have have followed any one of the cycle trainings: the 'Operational planning and scheduling - cycle', 'Demand management - cycle', or 'Sales & operations planning - cycle'.
Operational planning and scheduling - Modeling
An interactive classroom course which explains the advanced concepts of operational planning and scheduling in OMP, with a focus on configuration.
An interactive classroom course which explains how to change existing templates and create new ones. Prerequisites: Participants should have taken the 'OPAL General' training, and one of the cycle trainings - the 'Operational Planning and Scheduling - Cycle' or the 'Demand Management - Cycle', or the 'Sales & Operations Planning - Cycle'.
Demand management - Extended modeling
An interactive classroom course which explains the advanced concepts of demand management within OMP, with a focus on configuration.
An interactive classroom course which explains how to change existing templates and create new ones. Prerequisites: Participants should have taken the 'OPAL General' training, and one of the cycle trainings - the 'Operational Planning and Scheduling - Cycle' or the 'Demand Management - Cycle', or the 'Sales & Operations Planning - Cycle'.
Demand management - Extended modeling
An interactive classroom course which explains the advanced concepts of demand management within OMP, with a focus on configuration.
Inventory Management - The Fundamentals and core concepts
An interactive classroom course explaining the basic concepts and techniques used in inventory management, and basic inventory models.
Inventory management - Cycle
This training teaches consultants and end users about the inventory optimization process, consisting of input data analysis, product classification, multi-echelon optimization, simulation and the realization of the inventory policy, using OMP.
GUI elements
An online self-study course that covers the OMP graphical user interface (GUI), including the use and set up of the mostly commonly used layout and graphical features of OMP. Participants should have followed any one of the cycle trainings - the 'Operational Planning and Scheduling - Cycle' or the 'Demand Management - Cycle', or the 'Sales & Operations Planning - Cycle'.
Reporting - GREAT
An interactive classroom course which explains how to make changes to existing GREAT reports and how to define new ones.
Prerequisites: Participants should have taken the 'OPAL General' training, and one of the cycle trainings 'Operational Planning and Scheduling - Cycle', 'Demand Management - Cycle', or 'Sales & Operations Planning - Cycle'.
OPAL - General
An interactive classroom course which gives some insight into the basic concepts of OPAL programming.
Prerequisites: Participants should have have followed any one of the cycle trainings: the 'Operational planning and scheduling - cycle', 'Demand management - cycle', or 'Sales & operations planning - cycle'.
OMP Multi-user - Configuration
An e-learning explaining how to configure multi-user setup.
OPAL - Operational planning and scheduling
An interactive classroom course which gives some insight into the more advanced concepts of OPAL programming.
OMP Allocator
An interactive classroom course which covers the basic concepts of the OMP Allocator.
Introduction to solver techniques
An interactive classroom training which familiarizes participants with the solver techniques used at OMP.