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OMP achieves ISO 27001 certification for OMP Cloud

September 15, 2020

OMP achieves ISO 27001 certification for OMP Cloud

OMP Cloud has achieved certification to ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems after a rigorous and wide-ranging audit process.

Recognition for the OMP Cloud came in July 2020 following an intensive yearlong certification program overseen by business improvement company, BSI, OMP’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) and with the wider involvement of the company’s management teams.

OMP achieves ISO 27001 certification for OMP Cloud Koenraad Beroudiaux, an External Resource Assessor at BSI, confirms this significant achievement: “Huge congratulations to OMP for achieving this certification, which will benefit the organization in a number of ways, including inspiring trust among customers. OMP achieved this certification by implementing the measures defined in ISO 27001 which involved managing data storage, application development, access control and security.”

Information security has always been of the utmost importance to OMP, not least with respect to the OMP Cloud. ISO 27001 certification is validation that robust security controls are in place and operating effectively. It also recognizes that OMP handles data security threats proactively using best practice, including documentation, division of responsibility, availability, access control, security, auditing, and corrective and preventive measures.

“At OMP, we will continue to invest in our ISMS and security processes so that customers can be sure of our overall commitment to the security and the reliability of our OMP Cloud,” says Huib de Beijer, Senior Cloud Manager at OMP.



Huib De Beijer, Senior Manager Cloud Services
Phone: +31 652 49 46 32
E-mail: hdebeijer@omp.com 

About OMP

OMP helps companies facing complex planning challenges to excel, grow and thrive by offering the best digitized supply chain planning solution on the market. Hundreds of customers in a wide range of industries - spanning consumer goods, life sciences, chemicals, metals, paper and packaging - benefit from using OMP’s unique Unison Planning™.